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(1)調酒名稱:sex with blackheart in the dorm
Blackheart Spiced rum 30ml
Orange juice 10ml
Cranberry juice 1 splash less than 5ml (No more than the apple syrup)
Apple Syrup 5ml
Shake the ingredients mentioned above with ice and strain into a high ball glass,
Then add Coke cola 15ml into the glass
Pour Wilkinson Soda on the top.
Tip: The drink would be better if the ice is more and cooler.
Blackheart Spiced rum 30ml
Orange juice 10ml
Cranberry juice 1 splash less than 5ml (No more than the apple syrup)
Apple Syrup 5ml
Shake the ingredients mentioned above with ice and strain into a high ball glass,
Then add Coke cola 15ml into the glass
Pour Wilkinson Soda on the top.
Tip: The drink would be better if the ice is more and cooler.